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Create project and export

Exporting projects describes how to synthesize new videos by sending api requests in JSON format. You can see & edit exported video at AI Studio by Deepbrain AI.

1. API endpoint

2. Request parameter

nameProject nameStringfalseDefault Template
orientationProject orientationStringfalselandscape
dictionaryUser additional speech learning dataJsonfalse-
scenesScene dataArray(json)true-
scenes[].sceneIdxSequence of the sceneInttrue-
scenes[].backgroundBackground image information.Jsontrue-
scenes[].clipsFields to add clips such as text, images, and background images.Array(json)true-
scenes[].clips[].scaleXRepresents the size magnification of the clip. Represents the size magnification of x and y, respectively, based on the height and width input.Floatfalse1
scenes[].clips[].scaleYRepresents the size magnification of the clip. Represents the size magnification of x and y, respectively, based on the height and width input.Floatfalse1
scenes[].clips[].heightThe height of the clip.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].widthThe width of the clip.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].leftThe position of the clip relative to the left side of the scene.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].topThe position of the clip based on the top of the scene.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].layerAlignment order of clips (the higher the number, the more exposed to the top)Inttrue-
scenes[].clips[].idID of the clipStringtrue-
scenes[].clips[].typeTypes of clips. Learn moreString enum (aiModel, shape, image, textImage, videoImage, audio)true-
webhookUrlUrl address where the synthesis result should be sent.Stringfalse-

3. Response parameters

projectIdProject Id - Fetching the Chroma-key video data that has been exported.String

4. Sample Request

curl  \
-H "Authorization: ${API KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"scenes": [{
"background": {
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"source_type": "image",
"source_url": "/images/background/bg_blue_gradient.png",
"source_color": "rgb(54,188,37)"
"watermark": false,
"clips": [
"id": "aiModel-1h4ij5h8e87",
"type": "aiModel",
"layer": 1,
"top": 146.74129135713008,
"left": 630.2493927359487,
"script": {
"org": "<p>Hello, this is test video.</p>",
"tts": null
"effects": [
"type": "head-only"
"height": 2229,
"width": 679,
"model": {
"ai_name": "M000045058",
"emotion": "BG00002320",
"language": "en",
"source_url": "",
"editor": {
"headCenterX": 613.3333333333334,
"headCenterY": 290,
"headWidth": 182,
"headHeight": 185,
"modelTightX": 367.33333333333337,
"modelTightY": 168.16666666666669,
"modelTightS": 1,
"modelTightW": 679,
"modelTightH": 2229,
"modelOriginW": 1374,
"modelOriginH": 2444,
"scale": 0.3,
"adjustX": -0.016860747210092203,
"adjustY": -0.024822695035461,
"spaceB": 46.833333333333314,
"spaceT": 168.16666666666669,
"spaceL": 367.33333333333337,
"spaceR": 327.66666666666663,
"top": 168.16666666666669,
"left": 367.33333333333337,
"height": 2229,
"width": 679
"origin": {
"height": 2444,
"width": 1374
"deployImage": {
"themb_src": "",
"themb_width": 384,
"themb_height": 240,
"org_src": "",
"org_width": 1374,
"org_height": 2444,
"edit_src": "",
"edit_width": 692,
"edit_height": 2277
"deploySize": {
"org_width": 1374,
"org_height": 2444,
"edit_width": 679,
"edit_height": 2229
"editorValue": {
"headCenterX": 613.3333333333334,
"headCenterY": 290,
"headWidth": 182,
"headHeight": 185,
"modelTightX": 367.33333333333337,
"modelTightY": 168.16666666666669,
"modelTightS": 1,
"modelTightW": 679,
"modelTightH": 2229,
"modelOriginW": 1374,
"modelOriginH": 2444,
"scale": 0.3,
"adjustX": -0.016860747210092203,
"adjustY": -0.024822695035461,
"spaceB": 46.833333333333314,
"spaceT": 168.16666666666669,
"spaceL": 367.33333333333337,
"spaceR": 327.66666666666663
"maskFile": "M000045058_BG00002320H_alpha_INV.mp4"
"name": "aiModel-1h4ij5h8e87",
"lockScalingFlip": true,
"fill": "rgb(0,0,0)",
"scaleX": 1,
"scaleY": 1,
"opacity": 100,
"lockMovementX": false,
"lockMovementY": false,
"lockRotation": false,
"lockScalingX": false,
"lockScalingY": false,
"lockSkewingX": false,
"lockSkewingY": false,
"lockUniScaling": false,
"headOnly": null,
"voiceOnly": false,
"isDelete": false
"thumbnailUrl": null,
"sceneIdx": 0
"webhookUrl": ${webhook_delivery_address}