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Version: 1.3.x


Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
voidAuthenticate(string appId, string userKey, string platform, Action<AIList, AIError> onComplete) Attempts to authenticate with the issued userKey. It passes the response to Callback(onComplete) and if successful, you can get a usable AI model.
AIHuman.Common.AIErrorGenerateToken(string appId, string userKey, string platform) If the server attempts authentication with the information and fails, the related content is returned through AIError.
voidGetAIList(Action<AIList, AIError> OnComplete) Get a list of available AI models.
stringDefaultAIName { get; } Get the default AI information.
voidGetSampleTexts(string aiName, Action<string[], AIError> OnComplete) Get AI sample sentences using aiName.
voidGetSampleTextList(string languageCode, Action<string[], AIError> OnComplete) Get the list of sample texts for the language from server.
AIHuman.Model.AIClipSetCreateClipSet(string speechText, string gestureName = "", CustomVoice customVoice = null) Create AIClipSet Object.
AIHuman.Common.AIErrorLoadCustomVoices() Load a list of available languages and gender-specific voices.
List<string>GetSpeakableLanguages(string gender = null) Get a list of speakable languages.
List<CustomVoice>GetCustomVoices(string language = null, string gender = null) Get a list of available custom voices.
CustomVoiceFindCustomVoice(string id) Find CustomVoice by id. return null if there is none.