본문으로 건너뛰기
버전: 최신 버전

Change Scene

1. API endpoint


2. Request parameter

sceneIdxThe index of the scene to be changedInttrue-
sceneContents of the scene to be changedJsontrue-

3. Response parameters

successProgress on Request SuccessBoolean
msgIf the request fails, return the reason for the failure.String

4. Sample Request

curl https://aistudios.com/api/odin/editor/scene/${project key}  \
-H "Authorization: ${API KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT \
-d '{
"sceneIdx": 0,
"scene": {
"AIModel": {
"model": "M000004017",
"clothes": "BG00006160",
"script": "Hi",
"locationX": 0,
"locationY": 0.19,
"scale": 1
"clips": [
"type": "background",
"detail": {
"url": "https://cdn.aistudios.com/images/news/aiplatform_background_gradient.png"