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Version: 1.4.x


The sample covered in this document is an example of using the AI Human SDK. By following this guide, you will be able to try out a variety of functionalities in the AI Human SDK one-by-one through implementing the features in AI Human Sample Application. When you run the sample app, the following four menus appear. (You need to update your cocoapods before running the sample app.)

  1. Open the project with AISample.xcworkspace double-click or IDE (Xcode).
  2. Enter the appId and userKey prepared by AppDelegate.swift in the AIPlayer's setAppId, setUserKey function.
  3. Click [Product] - [Build] on the top menu bar of IDE (Xcode) to perform the build.

ViewController's menu

  • AI Quick sample (AIQuickSampleViewController.swift)
  • AI Player sample (AISampleViewController.swift)
  • AI Human + PlayChat (ChatbotSampleViewController.swift)
  • AI Human + PlayChat + Google STT (STTSampleViewController.swift)