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Version: 1.4.x

AIPlayer Method

init(json)Initialize the AIPlayer with desired ai
getState()Get AIPlayer's current State (AIPlayerState)
setter(json)Set AIPlayer's settings
getter(string)Get AIPlayer's AIsettings
preload(json)Pre-load for AI Speaking. Check example below section
send(json)Make AI Speak. Check example below section
pause()Pause speaking while speaking
resume()Resume speaking from pause
stopSpeak()Stop speaking and reset all data. (cannot resume)
release()Release resource (terminate AIPlayer)
getGestures()Get the list of available AI
getGender()Get the current ai's gender
getSpeakableLanguages(gender)Get the current ai's speakable language with gender
getCustomVoice()Get the current customVoice of set ai
getCustomVoicesWith(language, gender)Get the current customVoice of set ai with language and gender
findCustomVoice(voiceId) Get the CustomVoice object corresponding to id
setCustomVoice(customVoice) Set the voice of AI with specific customVoice
setCustomVoiceForLanguage(language, gender)Set the voice of AI by language and gender
reconnect(callback)Try reconnect when AI_DISCNNECTED
isConnected()Can send to speak if true
canPreload(callback)Check if preload is possible
setVolme(volume)Volume Control.
getVolme()Get Current Volume.
setMute(isMute)Mute Control. 3D model not supported
getMute()Get Mute state. 3D model not supported
generateToken()AIAPI - Generate authentication token using clientToken
getAIList()AIAPI - Get the list of available AI models
getSampleTextList()AIAPI - Get the list of sample text

1. AIPlayer.init(json)

Initialize AI Player object with the given AI model parameters

  • Parameter

    jsonObjectparameters of the init function
    json.ai_nameStringAI model name
    json.sizeFloatAI model size (optional, default: 1.0)
    json.leftNumberAI model left (optional, default: 0, pixel)
    json.topNumberAI model top (optional, default: 0, pixel)
    json.speedFloatAI model speed (optional, step, 0.1, range : 0.5~1.5, default: 1)
  • Example

  const result = await AI_PLAYER.init({
aiName: "...", size: 1.0, left: 0, top: 0, speed: 1.0

2. AIPlayer.getState()

Get the AIPlayer's state. Check out AIPlayerState

  • Return Parameter: AIPlayerState
  • Example
  const state = AI_PLAYER.getState());

3. AIPlayer.setter(json)

Set AI object information

  • Parameter

    jsonObjectparameters of the setter function
    json.sizeFloatAI model size (optional, range: 0 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0)
    json.topNumberAI model top (optional, default: 0)
    json.leftNumberAI model left (optional, default: 0)
    json.speedFloatAI model speech rate (optional, step, 0.1, range : 0.5 ~ 1.5, default: 1)
  • Example

AI_PLAYER.setter({size: 1.2, top: 20, left: 20, speed: 1.2});

4. AIPlayer.getter(key)

Get AI object information

  • Return Parameter: AI model or AIPlayer information

    keyString'maxTextLength' | 'long_speech' | 'language' | 'size' | 'top' | 'left' | 'speed'AI model or AIPlayer information
  • Example


5. AIPlayer.preload(...)

Pre-load function for AI Speech

  • You may choose from four parameter types depending on use case.

    textStringA sentence to preload. Used for preloading a single sentence.
    textsArray<String>A list of sentences to preload. Used for preloading multiple sentences.
    AIClipSetObjectA gesture sentence. Used for preloading a single gesture.
    AIClipSetsArray<Object>A list of gesture sentences. Used for preloading multiple gesture sentences
  • Example

// Case1. One Sentence Preload (text)
AI_PLAYER.preload("Nice to meet you");
// Case2. Multi Sentence Preload (String Array)
AI_PLAYER.preload(["Nice to meet you", "How are you?"]);
// Case3. One Gesture Preload (json)
AI_PLAYER.preload({ text: "Nice to meet you", gst: "hi" });
// Case4. Multi Gesture Preload (json Array)
AI_PLAYER.preload([{ text: "Nice to meet you", gst: "hi" }, { text: "How are you?" }]);

6. AIPlayer.send(...)

Command used for making the AI speak or perform gesture actions. (If there exists a preloaded data, this data is reused) To make the AI speak multiple sentences, send an Array of String or AIClipSet Object.

  • You may choose from four parameter types depending on use case.

    textStringA single sentence. Used for single sentence speaking.
    textsArray<String>A list of sentences.. Used for multiple sentences speaking.
    AIClipSetObjectA gesture sentence. Used for single gesture action.
    AIClipSetsArray<Object>A list of gesture sentences. Used for multiple gesture actions.
  • Example

//Case1. One Sentence Speak (text)
AI_PLAYER.send("Nice to meet you");
//Case2. Multi Sentences Speak (String Array)
AI_PLAYER.send(["Nice to meet you", "How are you?"]);
//Case3. One Gesture Speak (json)
AI_PLAYER.send({ text: "Nice to meet you", gst: "hi" });
//Case4. Multi Gestures Speak (json Array)
AI_PLAYER.send([{ text: "Nice to meet you", gst: "hi" }, { text: "How are you?" }]);

7. AIPlayer.pause()

Temporarily pause AI speech.

8. AIPlayer.resume()

Resume speech if the AI state was paused previously.

9. AIPlayer.stopSpeak()

Stop AI speech and reset all data on stack. (cannot resume)

10. AIPlayer.release()

Used to release system resources in use. (Not reusable)

11. AIPlayer.getGestures()

Get a list of available gestures.

  • Return Parameter: Array<AIGesture>

  • Examples

  const gestures = AI_PLAYER.getGestures();

12. AIPlayer.getGender()

Gets the current AI gender ('MALE', 'FEMALE', 'UNI') and returns null if there is no value.

  • Return Parameter: MALE || FEMALE || UNI || null

  • Examples

  const gender = AI_PLAYER.getGender();

13. AIPlayer.getSpeakableLanguages(gender)

Gets the language list of currently loaded voices, valid after loadCustomVoice() or generateToken() method calls.

  • Return Parameter: Array<String>

  • Examples

  const languages = AI_PLAYER.getSpeakableLanguages(gender);

14. AIPlayer.getCustomVoice()

Gets the currently set voice and returns null if there is no set value or default voice.

  • Return Parameter: CustomVoice || null

  • Examples

  const customVoice = AI_PLAYER.getCustomVoice();

15. AIPlayer.getCustomVoicesWith(language, gender)

Gets the list of custom voices that correspond to the language and gender of the input among the loaded voices If you type null in language, you get all languages, and if you type null in gender, you get values that correspond to all genders.
Valid after calling loadCustomVoice() or generateToken() methods.

  • Return Parameter: Array<CustomVoice>

  • Examples

  const customVoices = AI_PLAYER.getCustomVoicesWith(language, gender);

16. AIPlayer.findCustomVoice(voiceId)

Gets the CustomVoice object corresponding to id in the voice list, and returns null if there is no value.

  • Return Parameter: CustomVoice || null

  • Examples

  const customVoice = AI_PLAYER.findCustomVoice(voiceId);

17. AIPlayer.setCustomVoice(customVoice)

It sets the voice of AI and returns true on success and false on failure. Also, when null is entered, it is set to the original voice.

  • Return Parameter: true || false

  • Examples

  const isSuccess = AI_PLAYER.setCustomVoice(customVoice);

18. AIPlayer.setCustomVoiceForLanguage(language, gender)

Voice is set by desired language and gender, and when null is entered in language, it is set as the original voice.
If you enter the language value and enter null in the gender, it is set as the first voice in the voice list of the language.

  • Return Parameter: true || false

  • Examples

  const isSuccess = AI_PLAYER.setCustomVoiceForLanguage(language, gender);

19. AIPlayer.reconnect(callback)

AIPlayer.reconnect(callback = () => { })

20. AIPlayer.isConnected()

const isConnected = AI_PLAYER.isConnected();

21. AIPlayer.canPreload()

const canPreload = AI_PLAYER.canPreload(callback = () => { });

22. AI_PLAYER.setVolume(volume)


const curVolume = AI_PLAYER.getVolume();

23. AI_PLAYER.setMute(isMute)


const isMuted = AI_PLAYER.getMute();