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AIPlayer Callback

1. onAIPlayerError

This Callback function is obsolete. Recommend to use a onAIPlayerErrorV2.

2. onAIPlayerErrorV2

Callback for Errors during AIPlayer operation. Check out the AIError details here

  • Example
* @event AIPlayer#onAIPlayerErrorV2
* @description error report
* @example
* AIPlayer.onAIPlayerErrorV2 = function (aiError) {
* console.log('aiError: ', aiError.code, aiError.message);
* };
* @property {AIError} aiError
* @property {Number} aiError.code - error code
* @property {String} aiError.message - error message
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerErrorV2 = function (aiError) {
console.log("onAIPlayerErrorV2" aiError.code, aiError.message);

3. onAIPlayerStateChanged

This Callback function is obsolete. Recommend to use a onAIPlayerEvent.

4. onAIPlayerEvent

Callback for AIPlayer's Event. Check out the AIEvent details here

  • Example
* @event AIPlayer#onAIPlayerEvent
* @description AIPlayer event callback
* @example
* AIPlayer.onAIPlayerEvent = function (aiEvent) {
* if (aiEvent.type === AIEventType.RES_LOAD_STARTED) showLoadingProcess();
* if (aiEvent.type === AIEventType.RES_LOAD_COMPLETED) hideLoadingProcess();
* };
* @property {AIEvent} aiEvent
* @property {Number} aiEvent.type
* @property {AIClipSet} aiEvent.clipSet
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerEvent = function (aiEvent) {
if (aiEvent.type === AIEventType.RES_LOAD_STARTED) showLoadingProcess();
if (aiEvent.type === AIEventType.RES_LOAD_COMPLETED) hideLoadingProcess();

5. onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed

Callback for AIPlayer Loading Progress

  • Example
* @event AIPlayer#onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed
* @description AI loading progress report
* @example
* AIPlayer.onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed = (result) => {
* console.log('AI Resource Loading... ${result.loading || 0}%')
* };
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed = function (result) {
console.log(`loading process: ${result.loading || 0}%`);