Own your first AI Human
In this chapter, we will quickly set up AIPlayer with the Default AI and learn about AI speaking process. When setting up AIPlayer for the first time, it may take several minutes to load depending on the network condition. You can monitor the loading progress by implementing the onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed function of AIPlayerCallback.
From the sample, you can learn more from the code in the file below.
- AIQuickSampleViewController.swift
1. Create a project to test and complete the project setup.
2. Import it into the ViewController that AIPlayer will be included in. Add AIPlayer as a member variable.
import AIPlayerSDK
class AIQuickSampleViewController {
var aiPlayer: AIPlayer!
3. Set appId and userKey in AIPlayer.
You can add project for each platform here. https://aihuman.aistudios.com
When adding a project, registration is possible for each platform, and the AppID and UserKey of the platform registered at this time are required.

Set the appId and userKey of the registered project to the SDK.
AIPlayer.setAppId("your project appId")
AIPlayer.setUserKey("your project userKey")
4. Set screen ratio of AIPlayer
In order to optimize the size of AI to the view screen ratio of AIPlayer, you can set the AIPlayer's environment. Or you can use the size of AI as an absolute value. (The optimization option is the default for the view screen ratio, so this part can be omitted.)
// If the value is true, change the AI to match the view size ratio, or it is displayed on the screen as the absolute size of the AI
let config = AIPlayerConfiguration(config: [AIPlayerConfiguration.KEY_ENABLE_VIEW_ASPECT_RATIO: true])
AIPlayer.setConfig(config: config)
5. Request the AIPlayer object.
In this step, after SDK authentication, the default registered AI object is created. If the create object is failed, a nil value is returned.
AIPlayer.create { (aiPlayer) in
guard error == nil else { return }
self.aiPlayer = aiPlayer
self.aiPlayer.delegate = self
6. Register the delegate
If the AIPlayer creation is successful, you can register the delegate to check the state (when preparation is complete, etc.). When the resource loading is complete, activate the button.
aiPlayer.delegate = self
extension AIQuickSampleViewController: AIPlayerCallback {
func onAIPlayerEvent(event: AIEvent) {
switch event.type {
if self.aiState == .initialize && self.aiPlayer.state == .idle {
self.sendBtn.isEnabled = true
self.aiState = self.aiPlayer.state
func onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed(progress: Int) {
func onAIPlayerError(error: AIError?) {
7. Implement a function that is executed when the speak button is pressed.
@IBAction func sendButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
aiPlayer.send(text: "nice to meet you")
8. The full code of the quickstart sample is shown below.
// AppDelegate.swift
let App_ID: String = "insert_project_appId"
let User_Key: String = "insert_your_userKey"
// The function called when the app runs.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let config = AIPlayerConfiguration(config: [AIPlayerConfiguration.KEY_ENABLE_VIEW_ASPECT_RATIO: true])
AIPlayer.setConfig(config: config)
// AIQuickSampleViewController.swift
import UIKit
import AIPlayerSDK
class AIQuickSampleViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var sendBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var progressLabel: UILabel!
var aiPlayer: AIPlayer!
var aiState = AIState.initialize
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
progressLabel.text = "loading 0%"
progressLabel.isHidden = false
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
if aiPlayer != nil {
aiPlayer = nil
@IBAction func sendButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
aiPlayer.send(text: "Nice to meet you.")
@IBAction func closeButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func getAI() {
AIPlayer.create { [weak self] (aiPlayer, error) in
guard let aiPlayer = aiPlayer else {
if let error = error {
if let strongSelf = self {
strongSelf.aiPlayer = aiPlayer
strongSelf.aiPlayer.delegate = self
let r = strongSelf.view.bounds
aiPlayer.frame = r
extension AIQuickSampleViewController: AIPlayerCallback {
func onAIPlayerEvent(event: AIEvent) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch event.type {
self.progressLabel.isHidden = false
print("did finish loading resource")
if self.aiState == .initialize && self.aiPlayer.state == .idle {
self.progressLabel.isHidden = true
self.sendBtn.isEnabled = true
self.aiState = self.aiPlayer.state
print("start speaking : \(event.clipset?.speechText)")
print("did finish speaking : \(event.clipset?.speechText)")
func onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed(progress: Int) {
print("progress \(progress)")
self.progressLabel.text = "loading \(progress)%"
func onAIPlayerError(error: AIError?) {
print("error \(String(describing: error))")