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AIPlayer Basic Speaking Features

Basic speaking using AIClipSet and Monitor AI Speaking

You can make the AI speak what you want by inputting desired sentence as a text parameter of send method.

//using text
aiPlayer.send(text: "Hello World") // speak one sentence
aiPlayer.send(texts: [..., ...]) // speak multiple sentences

//using AIClipSet
let clipSet = AIClipSet.clipSet(text: "Hello World")
aiPlayer.send(clipset: clipSet)

If the sentence is too long, there may be errors.
In general, speech may be made in pure text, but speech may be performed using AIClipSet.
It is also possible to perform an utterance with a specific gesture. For example, you can order AI to wave and say "hello!" This is called gesture speech. Details will be described in [4. AIPlayer advanced speaking features] (#Gestures) (Gestures).

If the text to be spoken is too long, it may not be possible to synthesize the text. There are other models that can synthesize long sentences. Although it varies from AI to AI, it is generally recommended that sentences be cut to an appropriate length in Korean, usually within 30 to 40 characters, and at a similar level in English.
In addition, if special characters, lists of incomplete characters, numbers, formulas, symbols, characters or abbreviations in other languages are included, they may or may not be uttered differently than expected.

Monitoring speech state through AIPlayerCallback

You can check AIPlayer's state through onAIPlayerEvent method in the delegate property.

  • AIState.AICLIPSET_PLAY_PREPARE_STARTED : Playing prepare started
  • AIState.AICLIPSET_PLAY_PREPARE_COMPLETED : Playing prepare completed
  • AIState.AICLIPSET_PLAY_STARTED : Playing started
  • AIState.AICLIPSET_PLAY_COMPLETED : Playing completed
  • AIState.AICLIPSET_PLAY_FAILED : Playing failed
extension AISampleViewController: AIPlayerCallback {
func onAIPlayerEvent(event: AIEvent) {
switch event.type {
print("start prepare")
print("did finish prepare")
print("start speaking : \(event.clipset?.getClipKey())")
print("did finish speaking : \(event.clipset?.getClipKey())")
print("failed speaking : \(event.clipset?.getClipKey())")

Pause Speaking


Resume Speaking


Stop Speaking (can not resume)
