AIPlayer Resources and States
Check if resource is fully loaded in AIPlayer
When the class is created, AIPlayer automatically starts loading resources. You can check the loading status in registered delegate property.
Monitor resource loading through AIPlayerCallback
You can check if the resource loading started and completed through the onAIPlayerEvent method.
- AIState.RES_LOAD_STARTED : On loading start
- AIState.RES_LOAD_COMPLETED : On loading complete
While the resource is loading you can monitor the loading progress using the onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed method to check loading progress.
If an error occurs during resource load, an error is reported through onAIPlayerError method.
extension AISampleViewController: AIPlayerCallback {
func onAIPlayerEvent(event: AIEvent) {
switch event.type {
print("AI Resource loading started.")
print("AI Resource loading completed.")
func onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed(progress: Int) {
print("progress : \(progress)")
func onAIPlayerError(error: AIError?) {
print("AI Player error : \(state)")
if let error = error {