AIPlayer Resources and States
1. Start loading resources
When AIPlayer is created and init({...})
function is called, it starts loading resource according to aiName parameter. The loading status can be checked through the registered listener(onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed(result)
). (Initially, it may take a few minutes for the resources to complete loading.)
2. Monitor AIPlayer loading state with callback
After calling the init
method, the listener's onAIPlayerEvent(aiEvent)
method will be called with AIEvent. The AIEvent.type indicated which event are occurred(Check below list). You can also implement loading progress with onAIPlayerResLoadingProgressed({loading})
while loading. (Full list is here)
- AIEventType.AIPLAYER_STATE_CHANGED : when AIPlayer's state changed. (Check
and getState() method) - AIEventType.RES_LOAD_STARTED : when loading starts
- AIEventType.AI_CONNECTED : when AI is connected and able to send or preload AIClipSet to speak.
- AIEventType.AI_DISCONNECTED : when AI is disconnected from the system and unable to send or preload
- AIEventType.RES_LOAD_COMPLETED : when loading and setup finished and everything is ready.
If there is any problem during this process, the onAIPlayerErrorV2(aiError)
method is called. For example, the expiration of the authentication token could be an example. An appropriate action is required depending on the situation. The aiError.code values can be categorized by range. Check the sample code below.
AIErrorCode.AI_INIT_ERR : Error while initializing an AI.
AIErrorCode.AI_API_ERR : Error in API part receiving information such as authentication process.
AIErrorCode.AI_RES_ERR : Error while downloading resource for AI.
ex) 1402 error (token expired): Token refresh required ->
generateToken({ appId, token })
method again
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerEvent = function (aiEvent) {
// TODO: event handling
switch (aiEvent.type) {
console.log("AI AIPLAYER_STATE_CHANGED:", aiEvent);
case AIEventType.AI_CONNECTED:
console.log("AI AI_CONNECTED :", aiEvent);
console.log("AI AI_DISCONNECTED ", aiEvent);
console.log("AI RES_LOAD_STARTED ", aiEvent);
console.log("AI RES_LOAD_COMPLETED ", aiEvent);
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed = function (result) {
// TODO: loading handling
console.log("AI Resource Loading... ${result.loading || 0}%");
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerErrorV2 = function (aiError) {
// TODO: error handling
console.log("onAIPlayerErrorV2:", aiError.code, aiError.message);
if (aiError.code >= AIError.RESERVED_ERR) {
//You've encountered a reserved error. Please check the error list!
console.log("RESERVED_ERR :", aiError.message);
} else if (aiError.code >= AIErrorCode.AI_INIT_ERR) {
console.log("AI_INIT_ERR :", aiError.message);
} else if (aiError.code >= AIErrorCode.AI_RES_ERR) {
console.log("AI_RES_ERR :", aiError.message);
} else if (aiError.code >= AIErrorCode.AI_SERVER_ERR) {
console.log("AI_SERVER_ERR :", aiError.message);
} else if (aiError.code >= AIErrorCode.AI_API_ERR) {
console.log("AI_API_ERR :", aiError.message);
} else if (aiError.code > AIErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERR) {
//0 ~ 9999
console.log("BACKEND_ERR :", aiError.message);
if (error.code == 1402) {
//refresh token
} else {
console.log("UNKNOWN_ERR :", aiError.message);