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Version: 1.3.x

AIPlayer Resources and States

1. Start loading resources

When AIPlayer is initialized and init({AIModelInfo, AppInfo}) function is called, resource loading starts according to the input ai_name. The loading status can be checked through the registered listener(onAIPlayerStateChanged(state)). (Initially, it may take a few minutes for the resources to complete loading.)

2. Monitor AIPlayer loading state with onAIPlayerStateChanged

When onAIPlayerStateChanged(state) method is called within the listener, the following AI loading state values are returned.

  • playerLoadStarted: resource loading is started.
  • playerLoadComplete: resource loading is completed.

If there is any problem during this process, the onAIPlayerError({error, errorCode}) method is called. Typically, a response from the onAIPlayerError(err) may be notifying the expiration of the authentication token. An appropriate response is required depending on the situation.

  • TokenExpiredError : Notifies error in authentication process API.

    e.g.) 401 error (value token expired): Token refresh required -> generateToken({ appId, token }) method again

You can also implement loading progress with onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed({loading}).

AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerError = function (err) {
/* err = {
"error": "Invalid App Info",
"errorCode": 1400,
"description": "Invalid App Info.",
} */
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerStateChanged = async function (state) {
if (state === "playerLoadStarted") {
// TODO: AI load started handling

if (state === "playerLoadComplete") {
// TODO: AI load complete handling

// ...
AI_PLAYER.onAIPlayerLoadingProgressed = function (result) {
// result = { loading: 0.5 || undefined }
// TODO: AI loading progress handling