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Version: 1.4.x

Clip Properties

1. AiModel

scriptModel utterance informationJsontrue-
script.orgText for AI to read. It must match the language of the model.Stringtrue-
script.ttsExternal TTS information that is not the default voice of the model.Jsonfalse-
modelModel InformationJsontrue-
model.ai_nameThe AI Model to be used.Stringtrue-
model.emotionThe clothes that ther AI Model will wear.Stringtrue-

If you don't have an issued key yet, you can issue it through Generate API key.

2. Shape

shapeNameType of figureString enum
(Line_v2, Arrow_1_v2, Arrow_2_v2,
Circle, Triangle, Square,
Parallelogram, Drop_1, Polygon,
Pentagon, Oval_1, Oval_2,
Hexagon_1, Hexagon_2, Diamond,
Star, Rectangle_corner0)
angleSlope of the figure (increased clockwise)Floatfalse0
opacityThe transparency of the figure.Int range(1-100)false100
fillInner fill color of a figure.Stringtrue-
strokeThe color of the outer line of the figure.Stringfalse''
strokeWidthThickness of Shape Outer LineIntfalse0
strokeRadiusCurvature of the external line of the figureIntfalse0
shadowShadow EffectJsonfalse-
shadow.colorThe color of the shadow.Stringfalse#00000060
shadow.blurThe degree of blur effect in the shadow.Float range(0-10)false0
shadow.offsetXThe X-axis position of the shadow.Float range(0.1-10)false5
shadow.offsetYThe Y-axis position of the shadow.Float range(0.1-10)false5
shadow.enabledExposure of shadow effectsBooleanfalse-
animationAnimation EffectJsonfalse-
animation.typeAnimation typeString enum (fade-in, fade-out, in-right, in-down, in-left, in-up, out-right, out-down, out-left, out-up, zoom-in, zoom-out)true-
animation.durationAnimation effect durationInt range(1-30)true-
animation.delayAnimation effect latencyInt range(0-30)true-

3. Image

source_urlSource path of the image.Stringtrue-
angleSlope of the image (increased clockwise)Floatfalse0
opacityThe transparency of the fimage.Int range(1-100)false100
animationAnimation EffectJsonfalse-
animation.typeAnimation typeString enum (fade-in, fade-out, in-right, in-down, in-left, in-up, out-right, out-down, out-left, out-up, zoom-in, zoom-out)true-
animation.durationAnimation effect durationInt range(1-30)true-
animation.delayAnimation effect latencyInt range(0-30)true-

4. TextImage

fillThe color of the text.Stringtrue-
textText to be exposed on screenStringtrue-
fontSizeSize of the text.IntTrue-
fontFamilyFont of the text.StringfalseNoto Sans CJK
alignSorting direction of textStringfalseleft
angleSlope of the text (increased clockwise)Floatfalse0
opacityThe transparency of the text.Int range (1-100)false100
backgroundColorBackground color of textStringfalse''
strokeThe color of the outer line of the text.Stringfalse''
strokeWidthThe thickness of the outer line of the text.Intfalse0
fontWeightThe thickness of the textIntfalse''
fontStyleStyle of the text.String enum(italic)false''
underlineIndicates whether the text is underlined.Booleanfalsefalse
shadowShadow EffectJsonfalse-
shadow.colorThe color of the shadow.Stringfalse#00000060
shadow.blurThe degree of blur effect in the shadow.Float range(0-10)false0
shadow.offsetXThe X-axis position of the shadow.Float range(0.1-10)false5
shadow.offsetYThe Y-axis position of the shadow.Float range(0.1-10)false5
shadow.enabledExposure of shadow effectsBooleanfalse-
animationAnimation EffectJsonfalse-
animation.typeAnimation typeString enum (fade-in, fade-out, in-right, in-down, in-left, in-up, out-right, out-down, out-left, out-up, zoom-in, zoom-out)true-
animation.durationAnimation effect durationInt range(1-30)true-
animation.delayAnimation effect latencyInt range(0-30)true-

5. VideoImage

video_urlSource path of the video.Stringtrue-
volumeThe volume of the video.Int range(1-100)false100
opacityThe transparency of the video.Int range (1-100)false100

6. Audio

source_urlSource path of the audio.Stringtrue-
volumeThe volume of the audio.Int range(1-100)false100
labelName of the audio file to display on the editor screen.Stringtrue-