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Version: 1.4.x

Exporting projects

Exporting projects describes how to synthesize new videos by sending api requests in JSON format.

1. API endpoint

2. Request parameter

nameProject nameStringfalseDefault Template
orientationProject orientationStringfalselandscape
dictionaryUser additional speech learning dataJsonfalse-
scenesScene dataArray(json)true-
scenes[].sceneIdxSequence of the sceneInttrue-
scenes[].backgroundBackground image information.Jsontrue-
scenes[].clipsFields to add clips such as text, images, and background images.Array(json)true-
scenes[].clips[].scaleXRepresents the size magnification of the clip. Represents the size magnification of x and y, respectively, based on the height and width input.Floatfalse1
scenes[].clips[].scaleYRepresents the size magnification of the clip. Represents the size magnification of x and y, respectively, based on the height and width input.Floatfalse1
scenes[].clips[].heightThe height of the clip.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].widthThe width of the clip.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].leftThe position of the clip relative to the left side of the scene.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].topThe position of the clip based on the top of the scene.Floattrue-
scenes[].clips[].layerAlignment order of clips (the higher the number, the more exposed to the top)Inttrue-
scenes[].clips[].idID of the clipStringtrue-
scenes[].clips[].typeTypes of clips. Learn moreString enum (aiModel, shape, image, textImage, videoImage, audio)true-
webhookUrlUrl address where the synthesis result should be sent.Stringfalse-

3. Response parameters

projectIdProject Id - Fetching the Chroma-key video data that has been exported.String

4. Sample Request

curl  \
-H "Authorization: ${API KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"scenes": [{
"background": {
"id": "background",
"type": "background",
"source_type": "image",
"source_url": "/images/background/bg_blue_gradient.png",
"source_color": "rgb(54,188,37)"
"watermark": false,
"clips": [
"id": "aiModel-1h4ij5h8e87",
"type": "aiModel",
"layer": 1,
"top": 146.74129135713008,
"left": 630.2493927359487,
"script": {
"org": "<p>Hello, this is test video.</p>",
"tts": null
"effects": [
"type": "head-only"
"height": 2229,
"width": 679,
"model": {
"ai_name": "M000045058",
"emotion": "BG00002320",
"language": "en",
"source_url": "",
"editor": {
"headCenterX": 613.3333333333334,
"headCenterY": 290,
"headWidth": 182,
"headHeight": 185,
"modelTightX": 367.33333333333337,
"modelTightY": 168.16666666666669,
"modelTightS": 1,
"modelTightW": 679,
"modelTightH": 2229,
"modelOriginW": 1374,
"modelOriginH": 2444,
"scale": 0.3,
"adjustX": -0.016860747210092203,
"adjustY": -0.024822695035461,
"spaceB": 46.833333333333314,
"spaceT": 168.16666666666669,
"spaceL": 367.33333333333337,
"spaceR": 327.66666666666663,
"top": 168.16666666666669,
"left": 367.33333333333337,
"height": 2229,
"width": 679
"origin": {
"height": 2444,
"width": 1374
"deployImage": {
"themb_src": "",
"themb_width": 384,
"themb_height": 240,
"org_src": "",
"org_width": 1374,
"org_height": 2444,
"edit_src": "",
"edit_width": 692,
"edit_height": 2277
"deploySize": {
"org_width": 1374,
"org_height": 2444,
"edit_width": 679,
"edit_height": 2229
"editorValue": {
"headCenterX": 613.3333333333334,
"headCenterY": 290,
"headWidth": 182,
"headHeight": 185,
"modelTightX": 367.33333333333337,
"modelTightY": 168.16666666666669,
"modelTightS": 1,
"modelTightW": 679,
"modelTightH": 2229,
"modelOriginW": 1374,
"modelOriginH": 2444,
"scale": 0.3,
"adjustX": -0.016860747210092203,
"adjustY": -0.024822695035461,
"spaceB": 46.833333333333314,
"spaceT": 168.16666666666669,
"spaceL": 367.33333333333337,
"spaceR": 327.66666666666663
"maskFile": "M000045058_BG00002320H_alpha_INV.mp4"
"name": "aiModel-1h4ij5h8e87",
"lockScalingFlip": true,
"fill": "rgb(0,0,0)",
"scaleX": 1,
"scaleY": 1,
"opacity": 100,
"lockMovementX": false,
"lockMovementY": false,
"lockRotation": false,
"lockScalingX": false,
"lockScalingY": false,
"lockSkewingX": false,
"lockSkewingY": false,
"lockUniScaling": false,
"headOnly": null,
"voiceOnly": false,
"isDelete": false
"thumbnailUrl": null,
"sceneIdx": 0
"webhookUrl": ${webhook_delivery_address}