📄️ Overview
The demonstrations provided by AI Human SDK allow you to take a closer look at how you can actually use and utilize the SDK.
📄️ AI Human QuickStart
- 1.QuickStart.scene
📄️ AI Human Demo
- 2.AIHuman.scene
📄️ AI Human 3D Demo
- 3.AIHuman3D.scene
📄️ with Playchat & Azure STT
- 4.Playchat & AzureSTT.scene
📄️ with AWS Bedrock Claude & AWS Transcribe
- 5.AWS Bedrock Claude & Transcribe
📄️ with Lipsync & TTS
- 5.uLipsync & TTS.scene
📄️ AI Human Metaverse Demo
- 6.AIHuman & Metaverse.scene