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Basic Features

AI Human utterance (action) with AIPlayer

After AIPlayer resource is loaded, call Send() method. In AI Human SDK Demo, the function operates when you select a utterance sentence from the Dropdown UI and press the SPEAK button.

In general, speech can be performed using pure text, but speech can also be performed using AIClipSet. Also, speech can be performed along with a specific gesture. For example, you could instruct the AI to say hello by waving his hand. This is called gesture speech. Details are explained in Gesture speech related parts.

// using pure-text
_aiPlayer.Send(new[] {"this is sample sentence."});
// using AIClipSet
AIClipSet clip = AIAPI.CreateClipSet("this is sample sentence.");
_aiPlayer.Send(new[] {clip});

After the Send method is called, you can listen to the operation event feedback in the registered listener. This feedback is returned by calling the method (OnAIPlayerEvent) of the listener(AIPlayerCallback). OnAIPlayerEvent sequentially returns the following AIEvent values.

// Speaking related Callback example
public void OnAIPlayerEvent(AIEvent @event)
if (@event.EventType == AIEvent.Type.AICLIPSET_PLAY_PREPARE_STARTED)
_statusText.text = "AI started preparation to speak.";
else if (@event.EventType == AIEvent.Type.AICLIPSET_PLAY_PREPARE_COMPLETED)
_statusText.text = "AI finished preparation to speak.";
else if (@event.EventType == AIEvent.Type.AICLIPSET_PLAY_STARTED)
_statusText.text = "AI started speaking.";
else if (@event.EventType == AIEvent.Type.AICLIPSET_PLAY_COMPLETED)
_statusText.text = "AI finished speaking.";

// AI error Callback example
public void OnAIPlayerError(AIError error)
if (error.ErrorCode == (int)AIError.Code.AI_API_ERR)
_statusText.text = "API Error: " + error.ToString();
else if (error.ErrorCode == (int)AIError.Code.AI_SERVER_ERR)
_statusText.text = "Server Error: " + error.ToString();
else if (error.ErrorCode == (int)AIError.Code.AI_RES_ERR)
_statusText.text = "Resource Error: " + error.ToString();

The following are actions that can be performed while the AIPlayer is Speaking.

Pause Speaking

: Pause speaking.

// pause method

Resume Speaking

: Resume speaking. (resume from pause)

// resume method

Stop Speaking

: Stop speaking and reset all data. (cannot resume)

// stop method